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Past Exam Questions


1. Placing bicycle racks on buses is an example of a strategy to encourage people to cycle to work and/or school. 


ža) Identify the two components of the social-ecological model that relate to this strategy.


žb) Describe how a workplace or school could implement a change in one of the components identified in part a., which could lead to an increase in people cycling to work and/or school. 


2. Which one of the following is an example of an initiative designed to increase physical activity behaviour that addresses the individual level of the social-ecological model?


a) Support groups

b) Urban planning

c) Education programs

d) Providing facilities for physical activity


3. Some companies in Australia have introduced activity-based workspaces as an initiative to encourage physical activity and reduce the sedentary behaviour of employees at work. These companies have installed workspaces that include standing desks at which employees can choose to stand rather than sit. 


a) Installing standing desks is a change made at which level of the model?


b) Using the social-ecological model, explain why only providing activity-based workspaces might not be a very effective initiative to increase physical activity and reduce sedentary behaviour at work.


c) Provide another example of a workplace initiative that targets each level of the social-ecological model that could encourage physical activity or reduce the sedentary behaviour of employees. 



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